Savings product for individuals living abroad

Savings product for individuals living abroad

By using internet, it is possible to open account if you cannot come to Golomt bank branch in person, save your assets and receive interest rate revenue and control and manage your account and you can keep your privacy and independency.
Interest Rate
  • Interest

    Interest rate /Annually/
    Currency Term MNT USD EUR CNY JPY
    Demand 4.50% 1.00% 0.60% 0.60% 0.10%
    Term 3 months 9.30% 2.00% 1.20% 1.10%
    6 months 9.90% 2.20% 1.40% 1.30%
    9 months 10.40% 2.60% 1.50%
    12 months 12.20% 3.20% 1.70% 1.80%
    Certificate of Deposit 12 months 12.20% 3.30%
    Penalty rate**
    Terms and savings certificates Saved for 0-6 months 2.40% 0.20% 0-3 months 0.01%

    4-6 months 0.30%

    0.20% 0.01%
    Saved for more than 7 months 0.50% 0.30% 0.40% 0.03%


    ** Depending on saved duration, fixed penalty rates are payable on pre-mature withdrawals or account closing.


    Fees and commissions

    To open new account Free of charge
    To close an account Free of charge
    Cash deposit
    • MNT – Free of charge
    • USD /1-50 USD bill/ – 0.50%
    • CNY /1-50 CNY bill/ – 0.50%
    • EUR /1-50 EUR bill/ – 0.50%
    • JPY – 0.15%

    /Press HERE for more information/

    Non cash deposit

    Free of charge

    Cash withdrawal
    • MNT – 200MNT
    • USD – 0.40% + 200 MNT
    • CNY – 0.40% + 200 MNT
    • EUR – 0.40% + 200 MNT
    • JPY – 0.50% + 200 MNT
    • GBP – 0.60% + 200 MNT
    Noncash transfer E-bank- 100MNT /equivalent currency/

    Between banks:

    • Up to 5,000,000 MNT – 200 MNT
    • More than 5,000,001 MNT -400 MNT
    • Foreign currency transaction regardless of the amount – 400 MNT
    • Customer application form
    • Cope of documents
      • If you are a citizen of Mongolia, notarize a copy of your passport and attach the front and back pages.
      • If you are a foreign national, you must notarize a copy of your passport and attach the front and postponed sections and must be certified with an Apostile certificate
    • Proof of residencial address /electricity bill or residence permit/
    • Beneficiary bank statement / original/
      • Customers own named statement
      • The reference must includes following informations:
        • Customers surname and name
        • Bank statement /Account number, bank address, swift code /
        • Reporter bank employee’s information /Name, position, phone, mail and bank address/
      • Product agreement
      • Customers 3*4 size photo

    After receiving confirmation from a bank employee, complete the aforementioned list of necessary documents and email them to The documents should then be sent via certified postal service.

    Kind reminder

    • This deposit will be opened by a customer age is above 18 years old.
    • Co-holders can not be added to the deposit
  • 1.How many different channels can a customer use to open an account?

    1. You can open a savings account if you have transaction privileges in your Internet banking.
    2. Non-Golomt Bank customers and foreigners who do not have Internet banking privileges can open a savings account by contacting the Golomt Bank Shangri La branch and registering as a customer and opening a savings account remotely.

    2.Can a foreign customer open an account online, send a confidentiality letter from abroad, and then contact the branch to close the account?

    -The authorized person of a power of attorney certified by a foreign notary and certified by an apostille certificate of a foreign or Mongolian citizen can close the account by contacting the branch.

    3.Can co-owners add to the savings when opening an account from abroad?

    -Possible to add co-owner through confidentiality letter.

    4.Can foreign customers use internet banking to postpone savings account?

    1. Customers who have transaction privileges with their Internet banks can postpone savings accounts.
    2. A customer who has opened an internet bank but does not have the right to conduct online transactions can postpone the deposit by sending an offline request to the branch using his internet banking rights.

    5.Can a customer who lives abroad obtain a deposit backed loan using internet bank?

    -Customers living abroad cannot obtain a deposit-backed loan through internet banking.

    6.How does a customer update their foreign bank information?

    -Customers can update their bank information by sending a written request from their registered email address, as well as an offline request through internet banking.


  • Online savings
    Savings products for customers living abroad

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  • 0

    Your loan calculation

    Monthly payment

    Salary amount (45%)

    Down payment

    Loan amount

  • 10000

    Calculate your savings

    The money you saved

    Total interest


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