Currency | MNT |
Minimum deposit | MNT 10,000 |
30-59 days | 7.50% |
60-89 days | 8.10% |
90-119 days | 9.30% |
120-149 days | 9.40% |
150-179 days | 9.50% |
180-209 days | 9.90% |
210-239 days | 10.00% |
240-269 days | 10.10% |
270-299 days | 10.40% |
300-329 days | 10.60% |
330-359 days | 10.80% |
360-365 days | 12.20% |
Penalty rate* | 2.40% |
* Depending on saved duration, fixed penalty rates are payable on pre-mature withdrawals or account closing.
*Publicly announced interests can be increased by up to 4.1% for the customers with stable relationship in case of extension and new account opening, in accordance with decision of the Banking relative units.
Fees and commissions *Depending on saved duration, fixed penalty rates are payable on pre-mature withdrawals or account closing.
To open new account | Free of charge | |
Savings book fee | Free of charge | |
Savings book fee if the old one is full | Free of charge | |
Savings book replacement fee | 3000 MNT /Equivalent/ | |
To close an account | Digital channel: 1,000 MNT /Equivalent/
Branch: 3,000 MNT /Equivalent/ |
Cash deposit | Free of charge | |
Non cash deposit |
Free of charge |
Cash withdrawal /MNT/ |
200 MNT |
Noncash transfer | E-bank – 100 MNT /Equivalent/
Mongolian citizens
Foreign citizens
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